Pecorino cheese aged for 3/6/9/12 months
This is a cheese that requires a maturation time of 3 months at least, the paste is hard and friable, lightly straw-coloured, the flavor is sweet but with a feeling of spiciness.
Usually sold in these sizes:
Kg. 0,800 - Kg. 1,000 - Kg. 1,300 - Kg. 1,500 - Kg. 1,800
Product fiche
The milk is warmed up to 38 degrees and selected milk ferments are added. After leaving it standing for 20 minutes the rennet is added and everything is shaken up for 1 minute.
In 30 minutes the clot is ready, and is broken manually with a curd knife of the dimension of a rice grain.The curd is now gradually warmed up to 45 degrees, keeping it slowly shaking. At the end we let it rest to allow the curd to settle at the bottom.
A slight manual pression against the bottom firms the product up.
The curd is then removed and put over the table to drain; it is placed into the moulds and manually pinched, until it dries and firms up very well. Next, it is left to rest in the warmth for 1 hour and salted dry.